what is holy
by Charlotte Covey
Runestone, volume 2
what is holy
the tablet on my tongue tastes like a wafer. a priest
is breathing on the other side
of the confessional. can i remember anything
besides your skin, your dead-
star eyes? the wine trickling down my throat,
blood of the father. i am waiting in
the well of your mouth, waiting for
what is holy, our skin to skin, our crossed
chests, your scratched back, your crown
of thorns, angel-light to my black.
Salisbury University
Charlotte graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in English and Psychology this semester, and she will pursue an MFA in Creative Writing – Poetry at University of Missouri – St. Louis in Fall 2016. She has poetry published or forthcoming in journals such as The Normal School Online, Salamander Magazine, Slipstream, and The MacGuffin.