RUNESTONE volume 4: Fundamental Frequencies

runestone v. 3

EDITOR’S NOTE from Gretchen Marquette


Stationary by Kaitlyn Burton
London Poem by Wisteria Deng
Unnecessary Qualifiers by Emma DePanise
Lagunita by Claire Flanagan
First-Timer by Claire Flanagan
Third Meditation by Claire Flanagan
Untitled by Tony Hackett
A Final Request by Anthony McGee
On Rain and the Nature of Integration by Keenan Rebara
Scenes//Funeral Day by Shalini Rana
Sweet Memorial by Megan Stratford
DETONATE by Jade Visos-Ely


Filling the Silence by Lynnly Damm
What Could Happen to Them/What Has Happened by Claire Fallon
Our Western Sea by Sara Sirk


Rest Stop by Chris Arnone
All that Would Happen by Harleigh Orlando
L’adieu or Tristesse by Abigail Provenzano

INTERVIEW with Peter Geye

BOOK REVIEWS by Student Editorial Board