RUNESTONE volume 3: How to Love a Prairie

EDITOR’S NOTE from Katrina Vandenberg
Eleven, by Morgan Blair
How to Love a Prairie Town, by Evelyn Coffin
Skin, by Reeve Currie
Cough Syrup, by Richard Hutchinson
A Flight Off the Map, by Becca Gainsburg
The Kitchen Table, by Sarah Brokamp
The Rabbit, by Adrianna Jereb
Congee of Youth, by Chi Le
The Television Room, by Lizzie Perrin
Deer Run, by Samuel Schurkamp
Southeastern Ceremonial Complex, by Douglas Suano Bootes
Southpaw, by Douglas Suano Bootes
Postmortem Ghazal, by Olivia Comm
the snake I killed in hampstead creek, by Alexander Eikenberg
Joe Strummer’s North Carolina, by Dylan Hull
The wall has black bullet holes, by Beenish Riaz
brinesong, by Juliana Schicho
Boy So Queer, by E.J. Schoenborn
The Ones That Loved Me After, by Jordan Schouweiler
Head, by aimee seu
Study of Amelia Earhart’s Death, by aimee seu
Ode to My Hair, by Zaria Talley
INTERVIEW with Hieu Minh Nguyen
BOOK REVIEWS by Student Editorial Board