Tips For Being A Better Writer, by Jody Peters

Do you want to be the best writer around? Well, as the song in The Karate Kid goes, nothing’s gonna ever keep you down if you follow these tips.1. Bring a notebook with you. Put a notebook in your purse/bag to be prepared when inspiration strikes. Also, putting a...

Why Lit Journals are Necessary, by Paul Patane

A few weeks ago, I was sitting in a Caribou Coffee and peer editing a friend’s fiction short story. During a break to refuel, we started to chat about literary journals and how necessary they are to read, support, and ultimately, submit to. You’re widely...

How Do I Turn My Idea Into a Story? by Keith Lasser

So, you’ve got this brilliant idea and you think it will make a great story, do you? Well, where do you go from here? That’s a difficult question. You see, everyone’s creative process is different. Writing is not a science. There is no one guaranteed...

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