DEAD MAN’S FLOAT by Jim Harrison, Reviewed by Alex McCormick

Dead Man's Float Jim Harrison Copper Canyon Press 2016 ISBN 978-I-55659-445-8 107 pages Reviewed by ALEX McCORMICK  Despite its grim title, Dead Man’s Float opens with a whimsically meta poem titled “Where Is Jim Harrison?” Jim Harrison himself tells us that “He fell...

Teaching Modern Students an Ancient Art: Poetry, By Liv Kressler

Teaching Modern Students an Ancient Art: Poetry, By Liv Kressler

Beginning at a young age, I would sit in Language Arts class, listening to the lectures regarding symbolism, hyperbole, metaphor, extended metaphor, you name it. And while the importance of these literary elements should be emphasized and taught at a young age, I’ve...

Screen Time: How That TV Habit Could Help Your Writing, By Ash Flaim

Screen Time: How That TV Habit Could Help Your Writing, By Ash Flaim

As writer, you’re always told to read, read, read. You’re told to steal and learn from fellow authors. For some, this gives the impression that one can only learn how to write from written words. Wrong! You can learn a lot from watching TV shows. I tend to watch TV...

3 Hip Hop Songs That Must Be Read On The Page, By Alex McCormick

3 Hip Hop Songs That Must Be Read On The Page, By Alex McCormick

Many music listeners are primarily exposed to the music that is promoted by streaming services like Spotify, TV Shows, and radio stations. Unfortunately much of what is promoted on these services is dictated by what is going to make them money, and history has...

Writing Outside of Yourself, By Taylor Elgarten

Writing Outside of Yourself, By Taylor Elgarten

Living in a world surrounded by people that don’t quite share your beliefs, you find yourself stopping. Having to write from a perspective that is commonplace to you, but “other” to the person sitting next to you. I write as a Jewish person. I write from that place of...

Seven Gift Ideas For The Poet On Your List, by J.R. Selmi

Seven Gift Ideas For The Poet On Your List, by J.R. Selmi

Whether it’s for an upcoming holiday or a birthday, here are 7 gift ideas for celebrating the main poet in your life—from the unique to the necessary—that they will love. Empower Tools    Let them know their poetry is better than that cheap plastic stapler they’ve had...

A Case for Fanfiction, By Kaitlin Hatman

A Case for Fanfiction, By Kaitlin Hatman

Fanfiction has a certain stigma in the literary community as being Less Than original works, written by tweens with Mary Sue’s and self inserts, or just riddled with typos and clichés, but it fulfills two very specific purposes in the lives of young writers and...

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