The Healing Power of Creative Nonfiction, By Jennifer Fritton

The Healing Power of Creative Nonfiction, By Jennifer Fritton

So here’s the thing, I’ve got baggage. It’s not cute or quirky, and it doesn’t make me a tortured artist. It gets all jumbled together in the front of my brain where I’m trying to sort through the setting description for the fiction I’m writing (well, trying to...

In Defense of the Swearing Writer, By Lauren Stretar

In Defense of the Swearing Writer, By Lauren Stretar

Hi, my name is Lauren and I swear. (Sorry, Mom and Dad.) Does it have something to do with my being a writer? Because come to think of it, I don’t think I’ve ever met a writer who doesn’t swear. As my vocabulary has grown larger, the amount of times I’ve been told...

The Skinny on Fat People in Literature, By Abigail Morton

The Skinny on Fat People in Literature, By Abigail Morton

My mom used to gush how she read to me while in her womb, how I kicked when hearing a story. Essentially, I’ve been a reader before I could even read. I’ve also been fat most of my life, and sadly, as a result, I’ve struggled with my self-esteem. Maybe that’s because...

Six Books Featuring the Hmong Community, By Sandra Vang

Six Books Featuring the Hmong Community, By Sandra Vang

According to a 2015 census, there are 299,000 Hmong Americans living in the U.S. (Pew Research Center, 2017) and between 4-15 million Hmong individuals living globally (Unrepresented Nations & Peoples Organization, 2017). Looking at these stats, I feel a warmth in...

How to Write in Harmony With a Tree, by Katie Flint

How to Write in Harmony With a Tree, by Katie Flint

Every book you pick up is a tree. Every page you write on is also a tree. Your desk was once a tree. Your door was one too. If you need to breathe, and feel sunlight, if you can’t or don’t want to write anywhere human-made, why not go back to the source material....

IRL By Tommy Pico, Reviewed By Kaitlin Hatman

IRL By Tommy Pico, Reviewed By Kaitlin Hatman

IRL Tommy Pico Birds, LLC September 2016 ISBN 978-0-9914298-6-8   Reviewed by KAITLIN HATMAN Tommy Pico’s IRL reads like a fragmented blog post educating its readers on the intricate interweaving of social media, race, sexuality, and mental illness.  It’s a book...

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