by RS Admin | Jun 8, 2016
Literature and punk music, at first glance, seem to be two mediums that are completely unrelated. Look a little closer and I think you’ll find that the two actually have a lot in common.Consider some of these incidents: In 1843, Fyodor Dostoyevsky was arrested because...
by RS Admin | Jun 6, 2016
WinteringPeter GeyeKnopf DoubledayJune 2016ISBN 9781101946466320 pages Reviewed by PAUL PATANE Move over Jack London. Minneapolis author Peter Geye may have an urban background but his new novel, Wintering, has all the suspense, tension and elegant prose to describe a...
by RS Admin | May 31, 2016
My living situation recently changed and a room opened up for me to use. Right away, I knew what I was going to do with it. I was going to make a dedicated space to do my writing…. Well, a few solid weeks passed and the room sat empty. I had a lot of ideas on how to...
by RS Admin | May 22, 2016
Ellen Hopkins writes mostly young adult novels dealing with tough subject matters. She tells these stories through poetry, which ensures no word is wasted on the page. Hopkins’ books combine fiction and poetry, which are two genres that aren’t often put together. This...
by RS Admin | May 17, 2016
As writers in any genre, all too often we find a structure or pattern that works for us and use the form repeatedly.It makes sense: if our writing is successful when we use a certain form, why wouldn’t we embrace that? In my case, I’ve noticed that I love writing...
by RS Admin | May 15, 2016
Of all the genres available to a fiction writer, fantasy challenges the writer to tell a lie while making it sound plausible and realistic.The writer is forced to invent magical potions so drunken elves can stumble home to their trees with a satisfied contemplation,...