The Fairy Tale Revival, by Abby Campbell

The Fairy Tale Revival, by Abby Campbell

There was a fairy tale revival in Hollywood, roughly five years ago at this point. During this period TV shows like Once Upon a Time came into being, along with multiple versions of the same fairy tale. Around 2011, the fairy tale was Little Red Riding Hood.Once Upon...
The Power of Narrative in Video Games, by Allie Pikala

The Power of Narrative in Video Games, by Allie Pikala

As writers, we can learn from any medium that uses solid storytelling. Hopefully by now it’s been well established that video games attract folks from all walks of life. You don’t need to be male. You don’t need to be a “nerd.” You don’t even need to have good...
Being a Mother Writer, by Blanca Crespin

Being a Mother Writer, by Blanca Crespin

I didn’t know I wanted to be a writer …except for when I was in middle school and high school, but never in college. I had planned to be a biology major doing the pre-med track during my years at Hamline; but as the years went on, I saw that I wasn’t happy doing...
Timeliness: Writing in the Moment, by Belle Allan

Timeliness: Writing in the Moment, by Belle Allan

There’s always something that needs to be said. Some perspective that sheds light on a subject that matters to us know. Writing can be our best source of unadulterated honesty. Why can’t you write it?It’s impossible nowadays to live without knowing the problems...