Introducing RUNESTONE Volume 9:
Do Not Speak To Me of Runaway Bulls
Introducing RUNESTONE
Volume 9:
Do Not Speak To Me of Runaway Bulls

EDITOR’S NOTE from Halee Kirkwood
pendeja. by Mars Robinson
slip slopes by Kat L’Esperance-Stokes
Herd-hand’s Ghazal by Julien Griswold
winning the lottery by Simon Harms
military helicopter by Elijah Neumann
January: A (Beloved) Dirty Coat by Tyler Slade
Ramen Noodles by Lily Jenkins
OmegaMart by Jed Graham
Getting Crisper Here by Rachel Waterman
A Perm in Three Acts by McKenzie Davis
INTERVIEW with Ari Tison by Halee Kirkwood and A.E. Goodman
BOOK REVIEWS by Student Editorial Board