10 classical playlists to write to,  By Ann Marie Leimbach

10 classical playlists to write to, By Ann Marie Leimbach

Like many, I need some background noise while I’m writing. It could be the hum of a coffee shop or a tv on in another room, as long as it’s something not too distracting, I’m happy. But my favorite thing to write to is classical music. I’ve been studying classical...
The Killers’ Literary Challenge By Tijqua Daiker

The Killers’ Literary Challenge By Tijqua Daiker

From the cinnamon challenge that had you gasping for breath in the half finished basement of the kid down the block to #thefloorislavachallenge #2k17, people these days no longer throw down their gauntlets or draw lines in the sand. Challenges take place on social...
The Gift of Handwriting, By Molly Johnson

The Gift of Handwriting, By Molly Johnson

There is a box, buried deep in my closet that contains easily hundreds of letters I have received over the course of my life – from pen pals, for birthdays, from kids I’ve babysat, even the occasional scrap of paper with a scrawled sentence passed to me in class. I...

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