by runestone admin | Apr 9, 2018
Beginning at a young age, I would sit in Language Arts class, listening to the lectures regarding symbolism, hyperbole, metaphor, extended metaphor, you name it. And while the importance of these literary elements should be emphasized and taught at a young age, I’ve...
by RS Admin | Mar 20, 2018
INTERVIEW With Kat Faye, Dungeon Master of D&D podcast, Dames and Dragons Earlier this year I had the pleasure of sitting down to interview Kat Faye, the Dungeon Master of a D&D podcast called Dames and Dragons. I got the chance to talk to her about some of...
by RS Admin | Feb 26, 2018
As writer, you’re always told to read, read, read. You’re told to steal and learn from fellow authors. For some, this gives the impression that one can only learn how to write from written words. Wrong! You can learn a lot from watching TV shows. I tend to watch TV...
by RS Admin | Feb 12, 2018
When it comes to writer’s block, we authors, poets, and the like, tend to avoid the subject like a fatal disease. As if when we talk about it, it will catch us. The mere thought of locking up with a pencil in hand, blank computer screen, or empty mind, frightens...
by runestone admin | Feb 5, 2018
Writers need to be able to speak in front of an audience if they ever hope to get their work read. For many of us this is a daunting task not easily achieved. Many prefer the seclusion of a coffee shop to being center stage, but eventually you may have to read your...
by RS Admin | Jan 30, 2018
While reading through our creative nonfiction submissions, the topic of emotional distance of the author from their work, is brought up more than anything else. Sometimes we feel a piece is too emotionally close to the subject matter; other times it feels too distant...