Transcending the Syllabus, By Connor Rystedt

Transcending the Syllabus, By Connor Rystedt

Why Overworked College Students Need to Remember that Reading is Actually Fun This isn’t what it looks like. This isn’t Just Another Blog Post giving you chic little tactics for how you can overcome the inevitable storm of finals-week stress. If...
Three Things to Jumpstart That Wordcount, by Morgan Miller

Three Things to Jumpstart That Wordcount, by Morgan Miller

With National Novel Writing Month just around the corner, those of us who are readying to participate in the 50k word endeavor are probably sweating bullets. If you’re like me—a full-time college student juggling a heck-ton of work and just trying to keep your...
To the Next Step: MFA Applications, by Paul Patane

To the Next Step: MFA Applications, by Paul Patane

Applying to MFA programs can be a little like exploring the Wild West, especially if you’re not sure how the process works. If you’ve decided to apply to Master of Fine Art programs but aren’t sure what to expect or how the process works,...
Dealing With Literary Rejections, by DJ Hill

Dealing With Literary Rejections, by DJ Hill

You’ve finally done it. Early mornings and sleepless nights spent staring at a computer screen. You’ve pined, labored, edited, and re-edited every phrase, every comma, until at last you are satisfied there is nothing left to be done. You click “submit” and your...
Notes on Joni Tevis’ Visit

Notes on Joni Tevis’ Visit

The Runestone Creative Nonfiction editorial board was pleased to be given the task of transcribing and editing the interview with our visiting writer, Joni Tevis. The following are the thoughts and reflections of each member as they took Tevis’ spoken words and turned...

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