How to Write in Harmony With a Tree, by Katie Flint

How to Write in Harmony With a Tree, by Katie Flint

Every book you pick up is a tree. Every page you write on is also a tree. Your desk was once a tree. Your door was one too. If you need to breathe, and feel sunlight, if you can’t or don’t want to write anywhere human-made, why not go back to the source material....
IRL By Tommy Pico, Reviewed By Kaitlin Hatman

IRL By Tommy Pico, Reviewed By Kaitlin Hatman

IRL Tommy Pico Birds, LLC September 2016 ISBN 978-0-9914298-6-8   Reviewed by KAITLIN HATMAN Tommy Pico’s IRL reads like a fragmented blog post educating its readers on the intricate interweaving of social media, race, sexuality, and mental illness.  It’s a book...