Houses of the Holy, by Caitlin Skaalrud, Reviewed by Anna Krenz

Houses of the Holy Caitlyn Skaalrud uncivilizedbooks October 2015 ISBN 194125005X (ISBN13: 9781941250051) 180 pages Reviewed by ANNA KRANZ  Caitlin Skaalrud’s graphic novel, Houses of the Holy, is a wild, surreal ride into its unnamed protagonist’s mind, full of...
Writing From Observation: Why it Matters, by Corva León

Writing From Observation: Why it Matters, by Corva León

I was struggling with my writing, frustrated that none of my images were accurate or vivid enough. I asked my poetry professor, Gretchen Marquette, if she had advice on how to practice my images in poetry. She gave me a copy of Jim Moore’s Invisible Strings and told...

Meridian, by Kathleen Jesme, Reviewed by Debbie Johnson-Hill

Meridian Kathleen Jesme Tupelo Press September 2012 ISBN: 978-1-936797-18-9 40 pages Reviewed by DEBBIE JOHNSON-HILL I left the cemetery knee-deep   the snow laying a wreath and then blotting it. (3) In the brief space of two stanzas, readers are introduced to the...