by RS Admin | Aug 28, 2017
A show of hands if you have procrastinated in the last month, the last week, TODAY. To some, procrastination is a familiar companion; to others, it is a dreaded drain on their time and productivity. So, if we know what it is, why do we continue to do it? The...
by RS Admin | Aug 14, 2017
Have you ever finished reading a great piece of fiction…one that left you breathless, excited, yearning for more? Maybe you’ve even dreamt about writing your own work of fiction that does just that. If you are just beginning your journey into the writing world,...
by RS Admin | Jul 31, 2017
Race is a subject that bring with it many negative emotions, making it hard to talk about, and some people avoid it all together. But some musical artists think of this as an entry point to the conversation, jump past or sometimes right into the middle of those...
by RS Admin | Jul 24, 2017
You’re a student who has been in multiple writing classes before. You’ve written a few stories that impressed your teachers, your friends, your parents. That red A-plus written on the top corner of your Magnum Opus still smiles at you when you collect the...
by RS Admin | Jul 17, 2017
When I sit down to draft a poem, it is almost always in silence, headphones in to dampen the noise of whatever coffee shop I am in. Which is funny because I get so much inspiration from listening to music— especially metal. I listen to metal any time I am able,...