by RS Admin | Sep 25, 2017
As popular culture expands and changes, we as a society are finding new ways to share and tell stories. Old stories come and go, but there are some concepts that just never quite go away. Myths have stayed around for decades, centuries even. These stories tend to get...
by runestone admin | Sep 18, 2017
If you’ve spent any amount of time with the right kinds of nerds, chances are you’re no stranger to games like Dungeons & Dragons and Pathfinder. But while these games are most commonly associated with various dice-rolling shenanigans, the players are actually...
by RS Admin | Sep 11, 2017
Into the Sun Deni Ellis Béchard Milkweed Editions September 2016 ISBN: 978-1-57131-114-6 464 pages Reviewed by CONNOR RYSTEDT Deni Ellis Béchard’s newest novel with Milkweed Editions, Into the Sun, sees the majority of its action take place in Kabul—the...