Five Quick Tips for Writing Better Dialogue, by Jake Kjos

Five Quick Tips for Writing Better Dialogue, by Jake Kjos

Dialogue is one of the trickiest elements in prose because it has such a dramatic effect on how a reader perceives a story. Well-written dialogue can immerse a reader in a scene, while an unrealistic conversation will make a reader tune out quickly. It can be easy to...
5 Tips for Starting a Workshop Group, by Effie Barnes

5 Tips for Starting a Workshop Group, by Effie Barnes

Starting Your First Workshop Group Outside of ClassEvery writer needs to spend time in revision, and one of the best ways to do that can be in a workshop group. Workshopping might seem a little scary, especially when there isn’t a classroom or a professor to help...
Instant Gratification, by Courtney Baldrige

Instant Gratification, by Courtney Baldrige

Four Journals That Will Respond to Your Submission This WeekFew things are more daunting to writers than the blank page, and what’s an empty email inbox if not a blank page? For those of us without much experience in submitting and publishing our own work in journals,...
Secrets Behind Successful Submissions, by Sandra Youngs

Secrets Behind Successful Submissions, by Sandra Youngs

So you’re looking to submit your work for the first time ever, but keep finding reasons to put it off. I get it. I’m in that same boat right now. A cover letter won’t take much time to draft but you have other things to do, or maybe you have so many usernames and...