
Doug Bootes after dg nanouk okpik 1. Me/us/you angling, self-sufficing. 2. I/we/you thin ice hypothermic damnearcatch our death in cold. 3. I/we/you sitting around, golftournamentcaddy hushed, two door Mercury in retro grade, worms/shrimp/doughballs/chickenlivers/shiners/crabmeat/flies or polyurethanesteelwood disguised/designated to sucker fish. 4. Decades fold feverish pyramids composed of entrails erected, Saturn-ing iced flesh flayed, plucked from the equinoctial, choosing me/us/you. 5. I/we/you spike Northern Pike, Fivemilelakeontariomuskellunge, slice shark, Ahi, Blue fin Tuna, Swordfish, Mahi Mahi, Middlegroundsshipwreckreefgroupersnapper, lure White River Snook, cast weetipsa into flanks of alligator gar, catch/haul repeat arms fell/fall/falling to dice autochthonous radiance in to stupefied chum moon filet’s violence in Jupiter, in the Chevy, where my/our/your cigarettes are a ) bait b) lines c) explosive d) commodities smoke, vigilance wanes, otherworld sharpens all of the above dive, dive, dive to gates of Neptune’s palace into the belly of Jonah’s whale, through the jaws of Jaws, bowels of Earth, Mars, and sweet mons Venus into the sanctioned stomach of Moby Dick, Ahab’s leg, Pequod, harpoons, icy Pluto tattoos. I/we/you – Monasukapanough – slaughter Uranus dissect regurgitate the opalizing corpse of Junkatapurse, endfishstory.