“The Horror Renaissance” for Scaredy Cats

“The Horror Renaissance” for Scaredy Cats

I heard mere fragments of my friends watching Smile (2022) from two rooms away and I’ve been sleeping with the lights on since. I loathe being scared. Yet, despite closing my eyes for the monster reveal every time I see a terrifying movie, I can’t seem to stop writing...
Exploring Poetry as a Fiction Writer

Exploring Poetry as a Fiction Writer

Last year, I took a poetry class for the first time. Despite being an avid reader and writer of fiction, I didn’t have much experience with poetry. I often found it boring, vague, or difficult to read. However, I was interested in learning more about the art form, and...
Writing For Your Brain

Writing For Your Brain

Being a writer has never been easy; many of us aren’t taken seriously compared to those who become lifesaving doctors or multimillion-dollar businessmen who travel to space. Many times, writers take these kinds of comparisons to heart, and underestimate the...
An Athlete’s Guide to Creative Writing

An Athlete’s Guide to Creative Writing

Being a creative writing major, one could expect me to be writing five days a week. Instead, I get punched in the head five days a week. I’ve been training Muay Thai for the past year and a half and recently had my first fight. There’s a level of guilt I hold for not...
American Wallpaper: Misrepresentations Through the Decades

American Wallpaper: Misrepresentations Through the Decades

Being an adopted Korean in the late 1990s and early 2000s in the peak of boy bands and sparkly pop princesses was, for a lack of a better word, hard.  Sometimes, I would cheer for the white brunette just to feel relevant. While all my friends drooled over Justin...