Volume 3 (2016/7) Runestone Editors

Katrina Vandenberg

Katrina Vandenberg

Executive Editor

Katrina Vandenberg is the author of The Alphabet Not Unlike the World (2012) and Atlas: Poems (2004), both published by Milkweed Editions. With poet Todd Boss, she is co-author of the chapbook On Marriage (Red Dragonfly Press). Her essays and poems have appeared in The American Scholar, Blackbird, The Southern Review, Orion, The Iowa Review, The Sun, Alaska Quarterly Review, Poets and Writers, and other journals; and several anthologies, including Where One Voice Ends Another Begins: 150 Years of Minnesota Poetry (Borealis). Read full Hamline faculty profile.

Susan Triemert

Susan Triemert

Associate Editor, Creative Nonfiction

Susan Triemert is currently an MFA student at Hamline University. She holds an MA in education from the University of St. Thomas. A fan of both fiction and CNF, her writing can be found in Colorado Review, Cheat River Review, and Stepping Stones Magazine. She lives in St. Paul with her husband and their two sons.

Danielle Bylund

Danielle Bylund

Associate Editor, Fiction

Danielle Bylund is a writer, editor, and graphic designer living in Saint Paul, MN. She is the Associate Editor for Runestone Literary Journal and the assistant managing editor for Water~Stone Review.

Nicola Koh

Nicola Koh

Associate Editor, Poetry

Nicola Koh is a writer and editor; depressed, Malaysian Eurasian, and transgender; and a demigod at Tetris. Nicola holds two master’s theology degrees and they are pursuing their MFA at Hamline University. Their work is published or forthcoming in the Southwest Review, Word Riot, Sweet: a Literary Confection, Hermeneutic Chaos Literary Journal, and A-Minor Magazine. Nicola is also a fiction editor at Red Bird Chapbooks and a mentor with the Minnesota Prison Writing Workshop. 

Meghan Maloney-Vinz

Meghan Maloney-Vinz

Managing Editor

Meghan Maloney-Vinz is the managing editor of all three literary journals of The Creative Writing Programs at Hamline University: Runestone; rock, paper, scissors (the in-program graduate student journal); and Water~Stone Review, the nationally acclaimed literary annual. Meghan also works as the director of the Hamline Young Writers Workshop. Aside from her work with The Creative Writing Programs, Maloney-Vinz is also a founding member and layout manager for broadcraft press.

2016/7 Student Editors

Belle Allan

BELLE ALLAN (Assistant Editor, CNF) is a senior, studying creative nonfiction and English at Hamline University. She has worked as a web-editing intern in Hamline’s marketing communications office for three years. Belle hopes to combine her burgeoning web know-how with her longtime love of writing and editing in her career after Hamline.

Rachel Bakke

RACHEL BAKKE is a senior at Hamline University working to complete her BFA in creative writing, specializing in fiction. She can usually be found on a theatre set armed with a drill, writing, or playing some kind of tabletop game.

Blythe Baird

BLYTHE BAIRD is an internationally known spoken word poet. Her viral work has been featured by The Huffington Post, Ashton Kutcher, Write Bloody, Button Poetry, Mic, Bustle, and more. In 2014, Baird was the youngest competitor at the National Poetry Slam. By 2016, Baird was recognized as a top finalist for the Global Young Achiever Award. Her first book, Give Me A God I Can Relate To, is a Pushcart Prize nominee.

Grant Brengman

GRANT BREGNMAN is a fiction writer, geek, gamer, and Sagittarius. He is a senior in the creative writing BFA program at Hamline University, and is spearheading the creative direction in an indie game development company established with his friends. His dream is to one day sit behind a desk proofreading for forty hours a week.

Blake Croissant

no bio available

J.D. Delzer

J.D. DELZER (Assistant Editor, Fiction) is a published author of two adventure fantasy novels. He is also a graduate of Hamline University with a BFA in creative writing. You can often find him either in front of a computer writing, or with a Nintendo controller in his hands. His three greatest inspirations are nature, novels, and his cat.

Talia Haibara

TALIA HAIBARA is a senior creative writing major at Hamline University. A poem of hers has been published in Hamline’s Fulcrum. She has two cats in her life, Sami and Muffin. In her free time, she likes to bike around St. Paul.

McKinley Johnson

MCKINLEY JOHNSON (Assistant Editor, Poetry) is a senior hovering above graduation with plans to teach overseas and dreams to become a writer the likes of Bao Phi and such, but for now he’ll settle for making his deadlines.

DJ Hill

DJ HILL (Assistant Editor, Poetry) is a poet, freelance writer, and photographer. Her work has appeared in The Atrium, Century Times, Fulcrum, Red Flag Poetry, and The View from Here: Poetry to Help You Soar, as well as Maple Grove, Southwest Metro, St. Croix Valley, and White Bear Lake Magazines. www.djhill-writer.com 

Anna Krenz

ANNA KRENZ is a fiction writer and occasionally a poet, hailing from Wisconsin. She is currently a senior working on her bachelor’s in creative writing and English at Hamline University. She loves writing in any genre, although fantasy and horror are her two loves. Besides cats, of course.

Corva León

CORVA LEÓN is a poet and visual artist living in Saint Paul with their cat, Roman. 

Morgan Miller

MORGAN MILLER is an undergrad in the Hamline University Creative Writing Programs. Fiction writer by impulse, she explores any and all genre of fiction she can, but her focus is in the fantasy genre itself. She is never seen without a notebook and pen. Her favorite things in the world are skirts with pockets.

Caitlin O’Brien

CAITLIN O’BRIEN is a senior at Hamline University majoring in creative writing. Dabbling in all genres of writing, fiction will always remain her favorite. She is passionate about literature, writing, and drinking too many vanilla lattes.

Meghan O’Brien

MEGHAN O’BRIEN (Assistant Editor, Fiction) recently graduated from Hamline University with a BA in English and a BFA in creative writing. She enjoys writing fiction and binge watching various shows on Netflix. She one day hopes to become a published author or at the very least be employed.

Connor Rystedt

CONNOR RYSTEDT is a senior majoring in English and creative writing at Hamline University. He’s previously received his AFA in creative writing from Anoka-Ramsey Community College, where he’s had several publications in The Rapids Review and The Campus Eye. In October of 2014, he received the Norman Mailer Nonfiction Writing Award for two-year college students. When he’s not worrying about what to write, he likes to watch football and fight with his parents’ mini-labradoodle.

Celeste Smith

no bio available

Nancy Vang

NANCY VANG is graduating in December 2016 from Hamline University. She is majoring in American Sign Language (ASL) and has a minor in creative writing. In her free time, she loves to watch Running Man and look up new ways to be a better cake decorator.