Issue 10 Runestone Editors

Robyn Earhart

Robyn Earhart

Faculty Editor

ROBYN EARHART is the faculty editor for Runestone. Her own work can be found in Antithesis Journal, Barren Magazine, Columbia Journal, the Under Review, and Water~Stone Review. She lives and works in Saint Paul, MN with her husband and pets.

Megan Chuah

Megan Chuah

Associate Editor

MEGAN CHUAH is a Malaysian writer who currently lives in Saint Paul, MN with her partner and too many plushies. This semester with Runestone marks her completion with Hamline’s MFA Creative Writing Program. She often writes short stories that touch on slice-of-life elements or mental health, but has recently challenged herself to complete a fantasy novel over the summer. When she’s not reading or writing, she spends her time playing video games or watching anime.

Student Editors:

Justine Case

is a senior creative writing student with a focus in writing screenplay. If they manage to finish any of their projects, she’ll be taking the film industry by storm. When she isn’t writing, she’s drinking too much coffee and annoying their friends and family by explaining the nuances of her latest favorite indie game.

Hugh Fleming

HUGH FLEMING is a third-year Honors student at Hamline University, a direct support professional (DSP) for MTF Inc., an aspiring horror novelist, and a massive TTRPG fan. When he isn’t watching the cheesiest horror movies he can find, he’s writing his own, hoping one day to see his name on a hard-back cover

Lily Gibbs

LILY GIBBS is a Creative Writing and Education major who hopes to someday publish her own horror novel. When she’s not writing, she spends her time making jewelry and playing with her cat, Venus. 

Paloma Gonzalez Gomez

PALOMA GONZALEZ GOMEZ is a Latina writer working toward a BFA in creative writing at Hamline University. Her favorite activity is walking through bookstores and adding books to her endless TBR list. She hopes one day it will be her books in bookstores and readers will be adding them to their lists.

Travis Hendershot

TRAVIS HENDERSHOT is a poet who is recovering from working in manufacturing for a decade.

Rachel Kraus

RACHEL KRAUS is currently working towards a double major in creative writing and anthropology at Hamline University.

Maxwell Lakso

MAXWELL LAKSO (or just Max, to those who know him) is a junior undergraduate at Hamline University with a major in psychology and a minor in creative writing. As an editor and reader, he has a soft spot for unique (and concise!) forms, clarity balanced with eloquence, and joy as rebellion. Maxwell is a queer and disabled writer of poetry and creative nonfiction, and plans to someday put out a chapbook. He delights in collecting strange and wonderful words in an ever-expanding list in his notes app.

Morgan Marks

MORGAN MARKS is a junior and a creative writing major at Hamline University. When they aren’t writing, they can often be found playing some sort of fighting game or tabletop RPG.

Ethan McClanahan

ETHAN McCLANAHAN is a creative writing major at Hamline University. When he isn’t agonizing over the third draft of a short story, you can find him jamming with his bandmates around the Twin Cities, and catching shows at the Trylon Cinema.

Codie Olson

CODIE OLSON is a struggling writer who struggles to write. Though he cannot physically juggle, his life is quite the juggling act. He intends on graduating from Hamline University in Spring 2024 with a BFA in creative writing.

Lynn Purdom

LYNN PURDOM (She/He) is a creative writing major at Hamline University and a student-editor for the award-winning journal Runestone. He is a lifelong dork, lover of the macabre and chronic over-thinker.

Darbi Renaud

DARBI RENAUD is a student at Hamline University pursuing a BFA in creative writing and English. She hopes to obtain an MFA in the future. When she’s not writing, she’s usually sleeping with her cat sprawled out near or on her face.

Max Ridenour

MAX RIDENOUR is a senior at Hamline, majoring in graphic design and minoring in creative writing. They like to keep their hands in many creative pots, between visual art, design work, and involvement in the Twin Cities DIY music scene. Max finds inspiration from many sources, including but not limited to: street art, Studio Ghibli movies, claymation, speculative evolution, and Internet oddities.

Alex Sirek

ALEX SIREK is a senior studying English, creative writing, and cultural rhetoric. She is the editor-in-chief of Untold Magazine, a senior columnist at The Oracle, and the president of Hamline University’s Student Media Board. She is also currently interning at The Loft Literary Center. Outside of work and academia, Alex is an avid fan of gothic horror, estate sales, and watching squirrels from her kitchen window.

Abbie Sundich

ABBIE SUNDICH is a senior and aspiring author majoring in English and communications with an editing, publishing, and writing concentration who will graduate in the spring of 2024 from Hamline University. Abbie enjoys reading, writing, drawing, photography, napping, and watching Netflix. She hopes to find a job with a publishing house or a nonprofit after she graduates, and specifically wants to write a few animal fantasy novels.

Will Walker

WILL WALKER is a creative writing student at Hamline University. In addition to writing poetry and speculative fiction (some of which may actually be worth reading someday), Will finds joy in tabletop role-playing games, fall weather, and spending time with friends and family.

Kashia Yang

KASHIA YANG is a senior at Hamline University with a major in English with a concentration in creative writing. She is a writer in progress who aims to one day finally give her stories a fitting beginning, middle, and end. When she isn’t working, she reverts into a bed potato, enjoying movies, TV shows, fiction stories, knitting, and writing story ideas.