Volume One (2015) Runestone Editors

Katrina Vandenberg

Katrina Vandenberg

Executive Editor, Associate Poetry Editor

Katrina Vandenberg is the author of The Alphabet Not Unlike the World (2012) and Atlas: Poems (2004), both published by Milkweed Editions. With poet Todd Boss, she is co-author of the chapbook On Marriage (Red Dragonfly Press). Her essays and poems have appeared in The American Scholar, Blackbird, The Southern Review, Orion, The Iowa Review, The Sun, Alaska Quarterly Review, Poets and Writers, and other journals; and several anthologies, including Where One Voice Ends Another Begins: 150 Years of Minnesota Poetry (Borealis). Read full Hamline faculty profile.

Andrew Sposeto

Andrew Sposeto

Associate Creative Nonfiction Editor

A.P. Sposeto is a writer, teacher, and a sore loser at board games. Born in Minneapolis and raised in a constant state of incomprehension, Sposeto travels the world searching for small grains of meaning to rejoice and write about. He is nearing the completion of his first collection of essays and wallowing in existential fear. Although he was born with six fingers on his right hand, possesses no sword fighting skills. Spo is an MFA candidate in The Creative Writing Programs at Hamline University.

Christine Balsley

Christine Balsley

Associate Fiction Editor

Growing up among the mighty forests and abundant cornfields of northern Illinois, Christine trekked even further north to Minnesota. Currently completing her MFA at Hamline, when she’s not reading or writing, she can be found baking, biking around Minneapolis’ beautiful lakes or along the Mississippi River, watching birds, playing with her cat, eating pastries, drinking coffee, or binge watching episodes of Game of Thrones, House of Cards, or any other series that leaves one feeling just a bit uncomfortable.

Meghan Maloney-Vinz

Meghan Maloney-Vinz

Managing Editor

Meghan Maloney-Vinz is the managing editor of all three literary journals of The Creative Writing Programs at Hamline University: Runestone, rock, paper, scissors (the in-program graduate student journal), and Water~Stone Review, the nationally acclaimed literary annual. Meghan also works as the director of the Hamline Young Writers Workshop. Aside from her work with The Creative Writing Programs, Maloney-Vinz is also a founding member and layout manager for broadcraft press.

Jenniey Tallman

Jenniey Tallman

General Operations Assistant

Jenniey Tallman lives in the Twin Cities with her husband and their three sons. Her writing can be found in Slice Magazine, Gargoyle, The Summerset Review, The Collagist, The Rumpus, and elsewhere. She is a MFA candidate in poetry at Hamline University, where she assists behind the scenes for Runestone Literary Journal and Water~Stone Review and is the Communications Assistant in The Creative Writing Programs at Hamline.

2015 Student Editors

Sarah Basil

Sarah Basil focuses her studies on creative nonfiction, and loves to explore hybrid and graphic genres as well. She graduated in May 2015 with a BFA in Creative Writing and a minor in English literature. Her work appears in issue 6 of Dirty Chai Magazine.

Elizabeth Berge

Lizz graduated in May 2015 from Hamline University, having double majored in physics and creative writing– a combination she highly suggests, since science is awesome and writing is awesome, and who wants to choose? She writes fiction of all kinds and loves reading anything and everything.

Andrew Brabeck

Andrew Brabeck is an undergraduate student at Hamline University. He is in the BFA program studying Creative writing with a focus on fiction as well as the BA program studying philosophy. He lives in St. Paul, Minnesota.

Deziree Brown

Deziree Brown is a 2015 BFA graduate of Hamline University. She often claims to have been born with a poem written across her chest. She has been published twice in The Fulcrum, and is quickly making herself known in the literary world and planning to stay a while.

Rebecca Drobinski

Rebecca Drobinski is a born and raised Minnesotan. Most days, she thinks about life as a hermit in the woods, cozied up with books and blankets. She hopes to one day write good things.

Charles DuBois

Charles DuBois is a graduate of the Hamline University BFA program where his major was creative writing in fiction. He also likes to eat popsicles while driving with the window down mid-winter, which he erroneously believes is an allusion to being

Lukas Hall

Lukas Hall is on the editorial board of Runestone, as well as an Editorial Assistant for Poetry City, USA. His poems have appeared in East Jasmine Review, Aviary Review, Souvenir Lit, Mojave River Review and Split Rock Review. He also won the 2013 Patsy Lea Core Memorial Award in Creative Writing, for his poetry.

Kelly Jindra

Kelly Jindra graduated from Hamline University in spring 2015, having majored in creative writing. She believes writing is the most meaningful way to express one’s self. She aspire to publish her essays and to collaborate with other passionate writers on different projects.

Tamara Johnson

Tamara Johnson is studying creative writing with an emphasis on fiction, and a minor in English and Sociology. Upon graduation she hopes to break into the publishing world working in marketing and publicity some day. Fun fact: she can recite the alphabet backwards!

Elaine Kenny

Elaine Kenny has worked as a paralegal, wedding officiant, tarot card reader, and a bartender before becoming a student. She attends Hamline University, working toward a BFA in Creative Writing.

Keith Lasser

For fun, Keith Lasser writes, practices martial arts, plays video games, and other awesome stuff. He writes Fiction (mostly) Sci-fi, Fantasy, Historical Fiction, Non-Fiction. He published “The Mysterious Journal” in Anoka Ramsey’s Spirit River Review.

Mariela Lemus

Mariela Lemus studies creative writing at Hamline University in Saint Paul, Minnesota as a transfer senior undergraduate student. She will graduate in December 2015 and hopes to pursue a career in editing and publishing.

Sophia Myerly

Sophia Myerly is a third-year student double majoring in Creative Writing and Psychology. Her genre of choice is creative non-fiction. When she is not writing, she can be found collecting inspiration from art galleries or long walks in nature.

Allison Nordman

Allison Nordman is a Creative Writing major with an English and Business minor. Her favorite writers are Anton Chekhov and Ray Bradbury. Besides reading and writing, she loves to paint, finding inspiration from the Cubism movement. She lives in the ‘burbs with a pup named Murphy who barks… at trees.

Shane Orr

Shane Orr is a graduate of Hamline University. She majored in Creative Writing with a minor in English. She has a strong background in Creative Nonfiction writing. She hopes to someday be a technical writer in the field of medicine or in animal studies.

Paul Patane

Originally from Washington, D.C., Paul Patane moved to Minnesota and received an AFA in Creative Writing from Normandale Community College before transferring to Hamline University to complete a BFA with an emphasis in fiction. In his spare time, he herds cats, reads Hemingway and drinks scotch.

Cole Pentico

Cole Pentico is a graduate from the BFA program at Hamline University. He primarily writes genre fiction and his favorite technique is to take a plot or theme that seems familiar to a reader and augment the story into something all his own.

Jody Peters

Jody Peters is a graduate of Hamline University. She studied English with a Concentration in Creative Writing. She primarily writes poetry, but is currently working on a fiction piece about the adventures of two surfer bros. When she is not writing, she can be found playing the drums or attempting to play the harmonica.

Dan Schauer

Dan Schauer is a graduate of Hamline University where he studied English and creative writing. An aspiring editor and poet, he is really into the art of language. His favorite authors are Walt Whitman, Neil Gaiman, Matt Rasmussen and Ray Bradbury. He also spends a lot of time with his pet fish and travelling the world.

Matt Swenson

Matt Swenson is a student of Hamline, a gamer, and primarily a Fiction author, and has been writing seriously for at least fifteen years. He tends towards Fantasy and Sci-Fi though he dabbles in almost every genre, and read as much a his spare time allows.